Solving ReFS integrity bit issues when working with Hyper-V

I was working with Hyper-V and I got the following error:

Export failed for virtual machine ‘webtest01’ (16CED29C-F6B2-4D86-91D1-DDBD635D24C2) with error ‘The requested operation could not be completed due to a virtual disk system limitation
. On NTFS, virtual hard disk files must be uncompressed and unencrypted
. On ReFS, virtual hard disk files must not have the integrity bit set.’ (0xC03A001A).

The volume I’m working on was an ReFS volume on a Storage Pool located on my test environment
. I tried troubleshooting this issue, but there is hardly any good help online

. Googling the issue gav me a few obscure Technet references and some rather incomplete blog posts, so this article is a concatenation of the information I found

List out the files in your “Virtual Hard Disks” folder using this command:

Change the integrity bit on files using this command:

Or, use this one-liner:

I hope this helps shed some light on this issue.

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