Get rich quick, autogenerate lotto numbers

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. With my fantastic “Generate lotto numbers automagically” script, you no longer need to let imagination keep you from playing the lottery!

This script will auto generate a number of unique lottery numbers
. You can configure the amount of numbers, and the range to generate the numbers from by changing he value of variable in the script.

NB. Should you win big using numbers from script, my bank account is always open for donations ๐Ÿ˜‰




Using Powershell to identify Child Processes

I got a challenge yesterday on how to identify child processes, and googling it led to the conclusion that this is either not a common issue or no one knows the answer.

My issue was this: if a child process locks up or needs to be killed, how do we identify the process using powershell. The thing about finding child processes is that you need to know who their parents are. In fact, you need to use the parent process id (PID) to identify the child

How does it work?

First choose how to identify the parent process in Powershell. You can usually use ProcessName, Description, Path etc. Then you need to find any process which has the ParentProcessId of it’s parent (obviously)!

Here’s my solution:

$procid = (Get-WmiObject win32_process | where {$_.ProcessName -eq ‘Powershell.exe’} | select processid)
Get-WmiObject win32_process | where {$_.ParentProcessId -eq $id}

This only identifies the child process, what you’d like to do with it afterwards is your call
. Nonetheless, this could help you automate some of the tasks you’ve been using Process Explorer to solve until now.

Copy group memberships for AD users

This techtip handles how to copy group memberships from a single user to one or more users in your organization

. In order to accomplish this we use only the Active Directory module included in RSAT or available with Windows Server 2012.

In order to copy the group membership to several users, simply add a foreach-loop in the script

In the last example, the variable $users would typically be populated using the the cmdlet Get-ADUser to pull from AD based on specific criteria, like OU etc

This script only adds groups, it does not replace existing group memberships

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Installing Active Directory Domain Services using Powershell

This is going to be a short post, simply because it turned out to be ridiculously easy!

Traditionally when installing Active Directory Domain Services (ADDS) you’ve had to use DCPromo to initiate the install. Through this gui-based installation you could configure the name of your domain and your forest, your domain and forest level and whether or not to install a DNS-server along with your Domain Controller (DC)

You can easily do this using Powershell and it requires on two simple one line commands

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First you need to install the ADDS role on your server. Run this command:

Second, configure your ADDS role and decide whether or not to install DNS:

Voila, you’ve just installed a new domain called LAB in a new forest.

Techtip: Connecting to iSCSI targets via Powershell

Imagine wanting to set up two or more nodes in a file cluster and wanting to avoid configuration mismatches creating a troubleshooting nightmare even before putting your solution into production! How would you best go about doing that? Script it, and run the script throughout your nodes!

In this article I’d like to focus only on a very simple iSCSI target scenario

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. Two commands letting you create a persistent connection to an iSCSI target using Powershell
. This in turn will let you do the exact same on every server you’d like to remain identical. You could even run it in a foreach loop letting you execute the same command set across a number of nodes without even having to log into them, and I’ll get to that in a later article.

First, connect to your iSCSI server:

Second you need to find your iSCSI target and connect to it. If there’s only one target on your server then you’ve got an easy time, but in case there are several, you should filter by it’s name, like this:

Replace fileshare1 with the name of your iSCSI target. You might want to test your filter before running the command and if so, simply omit the “Connect…” command after the pipe above and make sure the result set only contains the targets you’d like to connect to


Of course there’s more, and if you’d like to delve deeper, please check out this blog:

Techtip: Change name using Powershell

In Windows Server 2012, you can do most, if not all administrative tasks using Powershell

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. There are roughly 2400 comdlets letting you manipulate the system in every unholy way imaginable! One of those ways is to change the computer name

To change the computer name, simply run the following two lines:

You can for example use this code to script renaming multiple computers in bulk, or just to avoid cluttering up your screen with a GUI

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Change LastWriteTime (Date Modified) on files

So here’s a little nugget that might help you at the end of backup sessions, or in my case, to adjust for the time zone difference on my vacation after forgetting to check my cameras clock for the entire 2 week duration. Despite it’s simplicity, this script is in fact quite powerful, and if used towards the wrong folder, or with the wrong scope (Get-Childitem -recurse) it can cause a bit of damage.

A fun thing about this script is that by changing the time parameter, you can actually put the Date Modified field into the future without changing the clock on your computer

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Autodeploy one or more servers without System Center

I use this script to deploy one or more identical servers in Hyper-V

. The script handles both the use of a Golden Image template .VHDX file, or a clean installation using an ISO install image and will provide you with a question by question gathering of the most common installation parameters



  • Windows Server 2012 release candidate or above
  • Powershell 3.0
  • Hyper-V role installed on the server
  • Hyper-V Powershell module installed on the server
  • A template VHDX file for each operating system you’d like to be able to deploy
  • ISO-files for each operating system you’d like to be able to deploy

Access the Powershell community

Today, when I for once checked my spambox I came across this hot little number from Microsoft.

In short, this is a community Powershell script browser
. It allows you to search one or more sources for script examples and preview them directly in the application

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. It even allows you to create you own file repository and make it a searchable location through this app. I’ve just barely begun to scratch the surface, but I really love the easy at which you can use this to find out what’s out there!

Powershell: Share size reporting

A security admin came to me the other day and asked me if I could measure the size of each individual share on the system

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. I asked him if this wasn’t something most easily done by using Explorer, but since he wanted every single share on all file servers, it would a lot of “right click->Properties”, so I took pitty on him and got to work ๐Ÿ˜‰

I created a script where you’re asked the name of the file server
. The script then lists out the shares and writes out their individual size to a text file

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Here’s the script:

This script takes a long time to complete in large environments
. If anyone has tips on how to streamline the code for better performance, please add a comment ๐Ÿ™‚